Categories of Angels

The best products

Colliers & Pendentifs Ange

Silver Angel Pendant (Copper)


Colliers & Pendentifs Ange

Angel & Moon Pendant Black (Zinc Alloy)


Statues & Statuettes Anges

Statuette Ange Garçon et sa Colombe


Tableau & Affiche Ange

Tableau Ange Assise sur un Pilier

Ange soleil couchant

What is an angel?

An angel is a being or substance that is pure spirit. Angels have intellect and will and therefore exercise knowledge and love, but they have no body and do not live an embodied form of life.

Each angel is essentially a center of consciousness without a body, but we must qualify this and say that angels are conscious in a far greater way than human beings.

Because they have no bodies, angels do not see, taste, smell, touch, hear, imagine or remember sensory things – and they have no sensory passions.



Colliers & Pendentifs Ange

Silver Angel Pendant (Copper)


Colliers & Pendentifs Ange

Angel & Moon Pendant Black (Zinc Alloy)



Statues & Statuettes Anges

Statue Ange Garçon Sage Assis


Figurines Ange

Figurine Ange Rien Vu


Angel clothes

Pull et Sweat à Capuche Ange

Sweat à capuche Ange Porteur d’Amour


Pull et Sweat à Capuche Ange

Sweat à capuche Ange Conseil et Dirige


Pull et Sweat à Capuche Ange

Pull Ange Jeune Fille Lectrice


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